Mischa Csendes
Founder & CoordinatorMischa is not only a co-founder of the Kite Solidarity Association, but also a passionate sports enthusiast. When he’s not riding the waves or engaging in charitable activities, he dedicates his time to being a devoted father to two daughters and is a business development specialist in the pharmaceutical industry, with over 20 years of work experience.
Estefania Rosa
Founder Kite Solidarity do BrasilEstefania is a professional kitesurfing athlete and world champion in freestyle. Together with her husband Daniel Perreira, she leads our social project at the famous Cauipe lagoon near Cumbuco/Fortaleza. Estefania is responsible for all activities in Brazil, overseeing also our youth center in Bitupitá as well as any future centers we hope to establish.
Muriel Imfeld
Corpoate Desing, Co-FounderMuriel, a co-founder with a Master’s degreein Desgin and Arts, leads all desgin related project. She is also the inventor of our logo and the driving force that everything looks pretty. She has started kite-surfing, having world champ Estefania as her teacher.
Claudia Vashkevich
Education & Finance, Co-FounderClaudia, is a co-founder and the driving force behind Kite Solidarity’s educational activities. She is also very skilled in Business Adminstration and Accounting and she takes care of the day to day adminstrative tasks, contributing significantly to our success.
Marc Bühler
Online Marketing, Co-FounderClaudia, a seasoned professional with over 15 years of experience in administration, is a co-founder and the driving force behind Kite Solidarity’s educational activities. Her wealth of knowledge ensures the organization maintains efficiency and remains lean, contributing significantly to our success.
Daniel Milano
Adminstration BrazilDaniel, a devoted father, also serves as the dedicated administrator of the local Associacion of Kite Solidarity in Brazil. His commitment to family and community shines through, making him an invaluable asset to our closely connected group
Smith Maique da Silva
Chief Edcuation at Bitupitá Youth CenterSmith is a semi-professional kitesurfer, fluent in both English and French. Together with his wife, he is carrying most of the eductional activities of our youth center in Bitupitá His linguistic skills and open-minded personality make him a crucial driver of our continued growth.
André Silva de Castro
President Bitupitá AssociationAndré is Bitupita kitesurf teacher and is mentoring the young talents and shaping the future of our kite community there. His passion and dedication, combined with the support of our sponsors, have led to his achievement of becoming an IKO certified kitesurfing instructor, the first one in Bitupita.
Dione Alexandrino Silva
Co-President Bitupitá AssociationDione is a dedicated kitesurfing instructor who grew up in Bitupitá. A devoted father, he passionately helps reunite local children at our youth center, fostering their growth and development through the sport of kitesurfing
Set Teixeira
Professional Athlete3rd place in Freestyle in 2017 and 2018.
Own Kite School in Cumbuco, together with his brother.
Estefania Rosa
Professional Athlete, World ChampionWorld Champion in 2016 in Freestyle.
Social project Rosa dos Ventos, with 20 children enrolled.
Carlos Mario
Professional Athlete, World Champion5-time World Champion in Freestyle
Favorite to secure the 2024 World Champion title for the sixth time